包含关键字 Runyourjavascript 的文章

chrome extension: Run Your JavaScript

Run Your JavaScript is a chrome extension, with it you can build your chrome extension features.

what's it?
it is a chrome extension to run your own Javascript with extension's advantages.

why use it?

  1. it can simplify your development. Normally you access third party APIs in your web server by given user name or token, and your web page call your web server API, but with this extension, you can call third party APIs on chrome, like web page access them, no need extra user name & token, just login on third party web page;
  2. use chrome proxy automatically, especially with 2FA authentication proxy.
  3. Access 3rd party API without Cross-Origin Resource Sharing issue.

how use it?
write your Javascript and put it on your web server, then put the Javascript link in this extention, and give it a name, then you can expect it to run.

is it safe?
Yes, it is absolutely safe, you can view all the source code on github;

source code:

find it in chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/run-your-javascript/aiokpplkfhfbijcmbpgpbomigegncfab